How to sort on specific field then on relevance

Documents can easily be sorted based on one field, for instance price:

"query" : "phone",
"start" : 0,
"rows" : 10,
"sorts": [
"field": "price",
"direction": "ASC"

However, documents with the same price value aren't displayed in any specific order.

A trick to better order such results is to use the relevance score. score is not a real field within the index for these documents -- it is a relevance rank calculated during the querrying. However, it can be used as a second tier of sorting while running the querry.

"query" : "phone",
"start" : 0,
"rows" : 10,
"sorts": [
"field": "price",
"direction": "ASC"
"field": "score",
"direction": "DESC"

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