Listing inclusion patterns

This API returns the inclusion pattern list.

Requirement: OpenSearchServer v1.5

Call parameters

URL: /services/rest/index/{index_name}/crawler/web/patterns/inclusion

Method: GET

URL parameters:

  • index_name (required): The name of the index.
  • starts_with (optional): A filter to only get those patterns starting with these characters.

Header (optional returned type):

  • Accept: application/json
  • Accept: application/xml

Success response

The pattern list is returned either in JSON or XML format.

HTTP code:

Content (application/json):

"successful": true,
"info": "3 item(s) found",
"items": [

Error response

The list was not returned. The reason is provided in the content.

HTTP code:

Content (text/plain):

An internal error occurred

Sample call

Using CURL:

curl -XGET http://localhost:8080/services/rest/index/my_index/crawler/web/patterns/inclusion?starts_with=http://www

Using jQuery:

type: "GET",
dataType: "json",
url: "http://localhost:8080/services/rest/index/my_index/crawler/web/patterns/inclusion console.log(data);

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