Mac OS X installation

Installing OSS on a Mac is very straightforward. The Short Version below should be sufficient ; if not use the More Detailed Version.

Short Version

  • Make sure you have JAVA 6 or newer correctly installed
  • Download the latest stable build tar.gz
  • Deflate it and run, which you'll find within the OSS folder
  • Open your favorite browser with the URL http://yourserver:9090 (replace yourserver by localhost if it's running on your own machine)
  • Enjoy discovering OpenSearchServer

More Detailed Version

The following covers the same steps as above, in more detail.

Checking your Java version

In a shell, enter the command line

java -version

Check whether your Java version is 6 or newer:

  • If your version is not Version 6 or greater you'll need to update your Java engine
  • If you don't have Java, install it (see below)

Downloading OSS

We recommend that you always get the latest version of OSS on SourceForge.

Please download the tar.gz or zip package, then deflate it as in the example below:

tar -xzvf open-search-server-1.5.tar.gz



Once unzipped you'll get a folder called opensearchserver. All your OSS binaries (and your future data) will be stored within this folder.

Running it

At this stage, running OSS on Mac still requires one command line. This means you have to use the Terminal application, which is in the Utilities folder within the Applications folder of your Mac.

Using the Terminal, go to your newly-downloaded OpenSearchServer folder. Once there, launch the Start application by typing in ./ Open your favorite browser with the URL http://yourserver:9090 (replace yourserver by localhost if it's running on your own machine). That's it!

Running it without knowing anything about Terminal mode

If you have never used the Terminal before, you may not know how to go to the OpenSearchServer folder. This is simple, as you'll only need to understand the basics of two simple Unix-style commands:

  • if you type ls (the letter L and the letter S, short for "list"), the Terminal will list all the files and folders in the folder you're currently in. This allows you to know where you are and what you can access.
  • if you type cd (short for "change directory"), the Terminal will go the place you specify (for instance cd downloads to enter the "downloads" directory).

Thus, if you type ls and see that the folder you are currently in has a folder called Downloads, typing cd Downloads will take you within that folder. There, a typical user would type ls again to see whether the OpenSearchServer folder is indeed there.

Typing cd opensearchserver will take the user into the OpenSearchServer folder, where the file we're looking for is located.

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