OpenSearchServer plugin for WordPress

The OpenSearchServer plugin for WordPress can be downloaded at

Actions and filters

At indexing time

Action oss_create_schema

  • Description: called when creating the schema of the index.
  • Parameters: $schema, $schema_xml
  • Example: can be used to add new fields to the schema:
 add_action('oss_create_schema', 'oss_create_schema', 10, 2 );
function oss_create_schema($schema, $schema_xml) {
//add a field to store the vendor's name

Filter oss_autocomplete_value

  • Description: called when indexing a document and assigning a value to its autocomplete field.
  • Parameters:
    • $value: the original value that would be inserted in the autocomplete field and then used for autocompletion.
    • $post: the content being indexed.
  • Example: can be used to add text to the autocomplete field, allowing for more suggestions from the autocompletion feature:
 add_filter('oss_autocomplete_value', 'oss_autocomplete_value', 1, 2);
function oss_autocomplete_value($value, $post) {
$autocompleteValues = array($value);
//get name of vendor
$autocompleteValues[] = getSoldBy($post);
//get attribute "Fournisseur"
$terms = get_the_terms( $post->ID, 'pa_fournisseur');
if ( $terms && ! is_wp_error( $terms ) ) {
foreach ( $terms as $term ) {
$autocompleteValues[] = $term->name;
return $autocompleteValues;

Action oss_index_document

  • Description: called when completing the indexing of a document.
  • Parameters: $document, $index, $lang, $post, $customFields
  • Example: can be used to add values to custom fields:
 add_action('oss_index_document', 'oss_index_document', 10, 5 );
function oss_index_document($document, $index, $lang, $post, $customFields) {
$sold_by = getSoldBy($post);
$document->newField('vendor_name', $sold_by);

At querying time

Filter oss_search

  • Description: called before submitting a query to OpenSearchServer.
  • Parameter: $oss_query: a query built using the configuration made on the admin page.
  • Example: can be used to customize the query -- for instance by forcing filtering on a particular value.

Filter oss_search_getsearchfacet_without_each_facet

  • Description: called when building queries to get facets.
  • Parameter: $oss_query
  • Example: can be used to customize the query --for example by forcing filtering on a particular value.

Filter oss_facets_slugs

  • Description: called when writing slugs used as links for the facets.
  • Parameters: $facetsSlugs: slugs built either using the facets' names, or using specific slugs values configured on the admin page.
  • Example: can be used to override slugs, for instance by drawing them from a particular XML file.


If you created translation files in your own language, please send them to us. We will gladly add them to the plugin and list your name on this page.

Serbian translation provided by Ogi Djuraskovic

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