Search Template API

This API is deprecated, please refer to the new RESTFul API instead.


The Search Template API is used to create and delete templates, set return fields, and set snippet fields.

Global parameters:

  • use (required): The name of the index.
  • login (optional): The login parameter. This becomes required once you create a user.
  • key (optional): The key parameter related to the login (api key). This becomes required once you create a user.
  • cmd (optional): The action to perform: create, delete, setreturnfields, setsnippetfield.

Parameters for template creation:

  • (required): The name of the query template or search template.
  • qt.query (required): The pattern query of the search template.
  • qt.operator (required): The default operator for search. It can be set to AND or OR.
  • qt.rows (required): The number of rows to be returned.
  • qt.slop (required): The tolerance for the number of words between the terms being searched.
  • qt.lang (required): The language of the documents to be searched in.

Parameters for template deletion:

  • (required): The name of the query template or search template to be deleted.

Parameters for setting return fields:

  • (required): The name of the query template or search template.
  • qt.returnfield (required): The name of the field to be returned.

Parameters for setting snippet fields:

  • (required): The name of the query template or search template.
  • qt.maxSnippetSize (required): The maximum size of the snippet.
  • qt.tag (required): The HTML tag to use to highlight search keywords.
  • qt.Snippetfield (required): The name of the field to be set as a snippet.
  • qt.fragmenter (required): Determines how the snippet is splitted into chunks. It is an ENUM value among the following options:
  • NoFragmenter: Indiscriminately quotes the field from its beginning.
  • SizeFragmenter: Centers the snippet on the target terms, then extends the snippet rightward and leftward until it hits the maximum allowed size.
  • SentenceFragmenter: Centers the snippet on the target terms, then extends the snippet rightward and leftward in a way that strives to preserve the sentences in the text.


HTTP Request:

http://localhost:9090/searchtemplate?use=index1&cmd=create&$$)^10 OR title:("$$")^10 OR content:($$)^10 OR content:("$$")^10&qt.operator=AND&qt.rows=10&qt.slop=2&qt.lang=ENGLISH

Using PHP:

$searchTemplate=new OssSearchTemplate("http://localhost:9090", "index1");
$searchTemplate->createSearchTemplate("search1", 'title:($$)^10 OR title:("$$")^10 OR content:($$)^10 OR content:("$$")^10 OR',
    "AND", "10", "2", "ENGLISH");
$searchTemplate->setSnippetField("search1", "title", 150, "b", "1", "NoFragmenter");

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